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Why is Sir David Attenborough Notable? 

Sir David Attenborough is in many ways notable. He has many traits and property's that alone make him notable. To explain Sir Davids' Notability we have to travel back in time to understand his life, studies and adventures. 

In this section below is a section from Britannica about his history


David Attenborough, in full Sir David Frederick Attenborough, was born on the 8th of May, 1926, In London. In his older years he was an English broadcaster, writer, and naturalist noted for his educational television shows, especially the nine-part Life on earth series. 


Sir Attenborough grew up in Leicester, which is in England, where his father was principal of the local university; his older brother, Richard Attenborough, later became an actor and film producer. When Sir David was young, he developed a love in natural history. He was then educated at Clare College at Cambridge in 1947. From there he began to work at an educational publishing house in 1949, two years after going to university. In 1952 he completed a training program with the BBC and became a television broadcaster for the BBC. Together with the reptile keeper Jack Lester, they created a show called zoo quest, In this show, animals were filmed in a wild zoo. This show was enormously popular and encouraged the BBC to do more animal educational shows.  


In 1965 Sir David became controller of the BBC’s new second television channel, BBC-2. In this job he helped launch productions such as, The Forsyte Saga, and landmark cultural-educational series as  Jacob Bronowski's  The Ascent of Man. He also produced the comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus. 


Sir David was the director of television programming of the BBC from 1968 to 1972, but he decided to write and produce television series on a Animal basis. He wrote and narrated a many award-winning television programs on Anthropology and natural history, most notably the Life series: Life on Earth (1979), The Living Planet (1984), The Trials of Life (1990), Life in the Freezer (1993), The Private Life of Plants (1995), The Life of Birds (1998), The Life of Mammals (2002–03), Life in the Undergrowth (2005), and Life in Cold Blood (2008). His other TV credits included The Blue Planet (2001), an exploration of the world’s oceans, and State of the Planet (2000) and Are We Changing Planet Earth? (2006), both of which warned and coached people about environmental issues such as Global warming and deforestation. He narrated Blue Planet II (2017); for his narration, Sir David earned many  Emmy and other awards. 


Sir David has also made many books such as,Life on Air: Memoirs of a Broadcaster , Adventures of a Young Naturalist: The Zoo Quest Expeditions, and Journeys to the Other Side of the World: Further Adventures of a Young Naturalist(2018) are among his autobiographies. Attenborough was the recipient of numerous other honours, including several BAFTA Awards and a Peabody award. He was knighted in 1985 by Queen Elizabeth the second. 


Now that you understand Sir David's basic History you can now grasp his history to better understand of the notability points I am about to explain to you  

(I can not write Sir David's Full history because it is too long) 


Sir David is notable for many reasons and has been a trailblazer throughout his entire career. Sir David made the first colour television show when he was in control of the BBC-2, it was so successful and led the way for a new way to communicate, it enable him to tell his stories to the masses, peak their interest for the planet, the environment and plants and animals. 


If that does not make Sir David notable, then him teaching us about animals and their habitat for over 70 years, certainly is. Starting in Zoo Quest, which began on 21 December 1954. Over his life time, he has experienced the living world first-hand in all its variety and wonder, and has witnessed some of its greatest wonders and worrying dramas. By teaching us about animals and their habitats and the planet, he has educated so many people around the world and expanded their knowledge to now understand about the living world around us and how we can better protect it for future generations. Sir David has also inspired millions of people across the planet and provided opportunities for people to follow in his footsteps. What Sir David has done is just inspiring. He has traveled all over the world and visited beautiful environments ranging from Icebergs to islands, tundras, forests and the deep seas. His life is about saving and teaching us about this planet and our abusive actions towards the environment. Sir David has uncovered, identified and educated on so many topics and without his research and work there are so many things we would not know. 


As said, Sir David is teaching us about the abuse we are doing to this planet. In his many shows and books he has written, he is educating us on the problems of climate change, pollution and deforestation and how they are going to effect us all. His warnings are taken seriously by all people because of his first hand knowledge, wide range of traveling and looking at all the growing civilisations and warming of waters. He has seen seas full of pollution and forests only hundreds of trees weak. He is now 94 and has slowed down, but is still vehemently championing the protection of this planet and its species and continuing to dedicate his life to saving the animals, the environment, us humans, and the planet. This once more proves his notability.  

In 1985 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his contribution to television and conservation. He also got a numerous other awards such as Including Winner of 5 Emmys, 5 nominee Emmys, Winner of 5 BAFTA awards, 3 nominee BAFTA awards, Winner of 1 AIB award, Winner of 1 Banff award, Winner of 1 CCM award, Winner of 1 CCD award, 1 nominee CCD award, Winner of 1 golden camera award, Winner of 1 GZDOC award, Winner of 1 IDA award, Winner of 1 JWM award, Winner of 1 national television award, Winner of 1 Orinos award, 4 nominee awards of online tv and film association, Winner of 1 CBIF award, Winner of 1 Prix Eauropa, Winner of 1 peaboy award and more. (note, most of these award names are abbreviated and will not come up when you search them up. if you want to see for your self, here is the site I found them on. As you can see again, many people and organisations, have found Sir David notable of these awards. The reason I chose this as a point is not the awards themselves, but the reason they were awarded 


Small notable things he did as a kid were also beautiful to read in his book. At a young age, Sir David would get his bike and ride out into the wild country, there he would find fossils of animals and bring home hurt animals and nurse them back to health. Also in the book, he heavily referred to the doughnut model. He used this to show the government's that there was a way to save the planet and live sustainably. He has visited almost all of the presidents, ranging from Barack Obama, to the Queen of England Queen Elizabeth II. He showed this in the famous book he wrote called A Life on Our Planet. Sir David has over many years solidified his position as one of our greatest naturalists in the world and has gathered a huge following from the most prominent and influential people in the world to the masses of every day people.  


What convinced me about him trying to save not just the planet but everything from the leeches to us humans is the pages that I read in the book A Life in Our Planet. (can be found in the appendix) These were the sadest pages I have read in my life. They were the pages of the blunt awakening to our abuse to the environment supporting us. We as humans, have taken oven and destroyed the world. When you were a kid, have you ever watched a movie on monsters coming to a utopia and just destroying it and taking over? Where you the one who said "Mummy look at those evil people who are destroying everything, they deserve to die"! Well yes, that is us.  


Also, Sir David has gone over the world and written a book about his witness statement and what he believes the future will be. He believes that if we do not do anything, by 2030 After many years if aggressive during and felling trees, the Amazon rainforest will be farming land and will cause the rest of the rainforest to go into Forest die back.  

These are from his predictions from his books


2040 All of the tundras and icebergs will melt sending massive amounts of freshwater into saltwater causing an animals crisis where animals can't live in half fresh half salty. 


2050 Many bushfires and smoke will enter the ocean as carbon, and would flow throughout it, killing all of the sea and marine life, and all coral reefs will be destroyed. 


2080 Global food will be at a crisis and we would all enter terrible wold were it will be pandemics and starvations.  


2100 The sea levels will rise from no sea ice or natural ice left in the world from the tempreture rise, and mass extinctions would be unstoppable. The world has tipped.  


But, if we follow the doughnut model and do these following things he suggests, we could save the world and restore its un-balanced eco-system. Sir David is one of the most influential people and when Sir David speaks the world listens. 


Moving beyond growth, forget about making money and rather saving the environment. Nothing can survive when purposely being successfully killed. But, if we give it time the eco system will bounce back and plants will flourish and animals will thrive.  


Switching to clean energy, we need to turn the earth into a more sustainable energy maker. we need to get rid of coal and reactors and replace them with wind mills and solar energy. Even dams are bad because they stop the flow of the water, effecting the animals that live behind the waterfall and downstream.  

Re-wilding the seas, we need to let the seas bounce back and rebuild itself. While it does that, then we can find a more sustainable way of fishing. We need to find. way that we and the sea can both live in harmony.  

Taking up less space, we as humans need to take up less space and give the wilderness space to grow and thrive. We are taking up almost all of the country's and deforesting anything that we need to build and get more space.  


Re-wilding the land, we need to re-wild the land and allow animals to deal with their predators and let them live without us. We need to allow the wild to be will once more! 


Planning for peak human, this of all of them is the hardest step, we need to find a way to sustain our population and find space for it. Wether this is in space or on boats out at sea, we do not know. What we do know is that we cannot keep cutting down trees to make more space for us.  


What is most amazing about these steps and predicaments is that Sir David is probably going to die before the first bad step. What he is doing is so notable, he is doing this to save the both the animals and the future generation of humans.  


During covid, Sir David has been trying to help people and convince people that we have to do something and now. He has convinced many people that without doing something about our abusive actions to this earth or face the consequences. 


Sir David is notable and important to me because when I was younger, I was not allowed to watch many tv shows. But, I was able to watch documentary's. This meant that Sir David was a big part of my life and I admired him. Even now, as old as I am, (12) I still look up to him and want to be a naturalist like him. 

In-conclusion, Sir David Attenborough notability is without the slightest shadow of doubt not questionable. He has dedicated his entire life to saving the planet and affected huge change around the world for the better of the earth and it species. Without Sir David this world would not be the same, the impact and difference he has made has been undeniably one of the most important things to occur around the globe for the future of this planet. He has proven himself over and over in his long 94 year life. He is still proving his notability at the age of 94, and forever longer. 


Sir David never waited for history to write itself.... he made his own story for bettering the planet we live on. 


"I wish the world was twice as big - and half of it was still unexplored." "It's surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth" 














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